An Overview of IEDA

#colorme:link {color:#4682b4;} /* unvisited link */ #colorme:visited {color:#4682b4;} /* visited link */ #colorme:hover {color:#d2691e;} /* mouse over link */ #colorme:active {color:#d2691e;} /* selected link */ IEDA is a community-based facility that serves to support, sustain, and advance the geosciences by providing data services for observational Geoscience data from the Ocean, Earth, and Polar Sciences. IEDA systems serve as primary community data collections for global geochemistry and marine Geoscience research to support the preservation, discovery, retrieval, and analysis of a wide range of observational field and analytical data types, enabling these data to be discovered and reused by a diverse community now and in the future. IEDA provides free and open access to all data holdings. IEDA data collections and tools are developed based on an active understanding of the practices, needs, and concerns of their user communities, through an open and responsive dialog, engaging investigators in the design of the systems, seeking their feedback, and educating the community about responsibilities and benefits of scientific data management and sharing. IEDA is a partnership between the Geoinformatics for Geochemistry program (GfG) and the Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS). GfG and MGDS systems include the geochemical databases PetDB and SedDB, the geochemistry data network EarthChem, the Ridge2000 and MARGINS Data Portals, the Academic Seismic Portal field data collection, the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Data System, the Global Multi Resolution Topography synthesis, and the System for Earth Sample Registration SESAR. IEDA is funded by the US National Science Foundation through a Cooperative Agreement. More: